Help us to end Veteran Homelessness #OVAL (Our Veterans Are Loved)

To build and donate custom modular homes nationwide for homeless Veterans. We are transforming the way Americans are empowering, employing and engaging our homeless veterans in our communities.
Typically, the #OVAL Houses are 320 to 1,346 square foot homes built by The BAFE Group, LLC., using repurposed shipping containers. Each house is designed to provide 2 to 4 bedrooms. All are professionally furnished and decorated in the tone and style of the local region. The houses can accommodate 1 to 4 vets, a vet and a spouse or a vet and family members. They feature all the common rooms you would expect in a new construction home. Kitchen, laundry facilities, dining room and a living room. All houses are wired for wi-fi throughout the home. These houses are a temporary residence (3-24 months) and is not a treatment facility, hospice or counseling center. Our goal is to create 52 homes per year, which would allow us to help at least 100 – 200 vets and their families per year.
Participants will receive access to meaningful job training primarily in the IT, Construction and Janitorial field(s), with more training opportunities to be added.
We will cover the expense of each veteran to complete this course. Upon completion of the course Google and thirty-two (32) other companies will hire the veterans at $52,000 full-time or $30 per hour to work remotely.
Veterans will be engaged by one of our private or local community partners for intense counseling services.
We will use local community based organizations to identify veterans that have the ability to occupy SRO and also have the technical aptitude to complete the Google After six months of successful employment, we will transition the veteran to their own private home making room for the next veteran. Our goal is to create an Oval Houses in rural and urban areas in every state of the union. Your donations will be used to help assist in the building, furnishing and operation of these homes in an effort to remove "homeless veterans" from the American lexicon.
are over 630,000 homeless people in America. 67,495 are veterans. It
amazes me that in today’s society, over 1 in 10 homeless people in
America are veterans.
show that the veteran population is 2x more likely to become
chronically homeless than other American groups. Homeless
veterans are predominantly male, with roughly 9% being female. The
majority are single; live in urban areas.
Contributing factors include long periods of unemployment,
foreclosure, mental illness, and poverty.
Here are some
numbers to back up the contributing factors:
Over 968,000 veterans lived in poverty in the last year.
20,000 veterans with government sponsored mortgages lost their homes in 2010.
76% of homeless veterans
experience alcohol, drug, or mental health issues.
30.2% of
veterans ages 18-24 are unemployed.
easy to jump to conclusions, but we shouldn’t. Here is some
surprising information about homeless veterans:
homeless veterans have served in World War II, the Korean War, Cold
War, Vietnam War, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, Persian Gulf War,
Afghanistan and Iraq (OEF/OIF), and the military’s anti-drug
cultivation efforts in South America. Nearly half of homeless
veterans served during the Vietnam era. Two-thirds served our country
for at least three years, and one-third were stationed in a war zone. Those stats should be enough to know these veterans did heir job honorably and likely performed at a reasonably high level.
1.4 million other veterans, meanwhile, are considered at risk of
homelessness due to poverty, lack of support networks, and dismal
living conditions in overcrowded or substandard housing.
#OVAL Houses are built by BAFE Group, LLC and held in trust by BAFE Group, LLC. BAFE Group, LLC is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the homes. The BAFE Group, LLC., a for-profit corporation, builds new #OVAL Houses, and assists in the coordination of private support and encourages public support for the #OVAL Homes.
Criteria established locally by private, public and local organizations. The container-turned-homes are not free. If a vet can't pay, the B.A.F.E Group, LLC and your generous donations can help cover the costs.
Group, LLC will have full-time salaried managers, maintenance and
repair personnel but depends on volunteers, donations and voluntary
support to enhance daily operations and program expansion. Donations of skilled labor, building material, land and cash are all accepted. Donate Today with Cryptocurrency.
Our organization works tirelessly to ensure that our veterans connect to employment opportunities that best fit their skills. These opportunities can be found in our NEWS section with a title of "Economic Growth". Check daily, new links will be continuously added.
For those participants interested in the online IT support specialist training opportunity:
BAFE Group will cover 50% of the training cost.
Provide participants with internet access
All veterans have experienced some form of difficulty navigating the VA system. We work every day with our partners to inform and connect veterans to the benefits they are entitled to, making sure that every veteran has what they need.
On any given night, 1 in every 5 people living on the streets is a veteran, something that is nothing short of a national tragedy.
With the support and donations of my fellow Americans, the goal of the #OVAL House initiative, is to build 52 transitional homes per year for homeless veterans and their families.
Veterans will be given the opportunity to obtain gainful employment and credit counseling. In an effort to get them qualified to build an affordable BAFE Group Home of their own.
Home ownership is a cornerstone of creating Generational Wealth.